Documental “Peces de ciudad” en el Festival de Montreal

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La película de Felipe Degregori, Peces de ciudad, se presentará en la sección «Documentales del Mundo» en el Festival de Montreal 2007, que se inició el 23 de agosto pasado. La cinta peruana de 65 minutos tiene funciones programadas para el 30 de este mes y el 2 de setiembre. Será conocida en inglés como «Beached», y es reseñada de esta manera en la página web del festival:

The lives of a group of young migrants in the city of Lima seem like the flotsam scattered haphazardly on the shore. They live in the city but cannot become part of it. They are forced to live by their wits; they have no other choice than to persevere… and to hope. This documentary is a fresco depicting the diaspora of thousands of migrants in search of better lives that are unavailable in their places of origin. In the city, however, they face inequality, racism, and exclusion, evils that still infect Peruvian society. BEACHED makes visible these pioneers who, with their effort and their dreams, have transformed the capital of Peru.

Felipe Degregori
Born in Lima, Peru, Felipe Degregori studied cinema at Lomonsonov State University, in Moscow. Back in Peru, he produced and directed several short films, followed by his first feature, ABISAR A LOS COMPAÑEROS (1980). His other films have won awards in several festivals: TODOS SOMOS ESTRELLAS (1993), CIUDAD DE M (2000), Difundiendo la verdad (2006), Mujeres en la guerra (2006).

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